Case Studies
- Candy Manufacturer grows distribution of Hispanic brand
- Tobacco Manufacturer gains insights on pricing of competitive brands
- Beer Company Leverages NRS Store-Level Data to Grow Footprint of Newly Acquired Mexican Brand
- Personal Health Care Company grows core item sales and distribution during Cold/Flu season

Candy Manufacturer
distribution of
Hispanic brand
Business Issue
The NRS store-level POS data revealed that a U.S. Candy Manufacturer of a Brand with high loyalty among Hispanics with Mexican descent had very low distribution throughout the NRS network but was selling very well in stores carried.
NRS Solution
Through combining the NRS scanner data with the U.S. Census data and NRS's parent company IDT Boss Revolution International Calling data, NRS and the client identified top Candy selling stores with a high prevalence of this demographic. Through analysis of the data, we estimated the "size of the prize" of getting distribution in those outlets against the incremental cost of a Distribution Surge effort.
The client executed a very targeted distribution drive which resulted in 80% conversion of stores targeted. Within 6 months, that Brand grew to a Top-10 Brand in those stores taking on new distribution and the client achieved a positive ROI on the initiative.

Tobacco Manufacturer
gains insights
on pricing
of competitive brands
Business Issue
A Tobacco manufacturer with item level Distributor – to – Retailer shipment data uses 3rd party auditors to collect retail price in stores not covered by their sales force. These audits are both costly and limited, as due to time constraints in store and frequency of audits, only a subset of prices is collected each visit.
NRS Solution
There was an overlap of several hundred stores between the NRS store universe and these audited stores. Client purchased POS data for all items in the Category for this subset of stores – which provided for price and sales for all Tobacco products at the store/UPC level. Data updates were provided to the client weekly, within 1 business day of the prior week’s end.
Client was able to repurpose budget and save money on in-store audits to invest in the data and procure more accurate pricing data at a lower level of granularity and a broader range of items. Additional value was derived from the sales data delivered to glean insights into consumer off-take through these stores. This incremental value was delivered with no net increase to budget.

Beer Company Leverages NRS Store-Level Data to
Grow Footprint of Newly Acquired Mexican Brand
Business Issue
Brewery client needed to validate the value of this channel to secure organizational investment. The top two manufactures represent nearly 70% of the market in this channel, while this manufacturer is significantly under shared versus their national share. Client’s competitors had ongoing investment in this channel creating a disadvantage for this manufacturer. Mexican brands are the leadingbrand in these stores. The NRS store–level POS data validated that beer is a destination item in Urban Convenience Stores. The manufacturer, also uncovered that they had gaps on critical items within their portfolio.
NRS Solution
NRS segmented the data by basket-type and store format. Basket-type was broken out by total alcohol, total beer, total wine, total liquor, total beer and liquor, total beer and wine, total wine and liquor in the manufacture’s key markets and confirmed that beer was the largest total alcohol beverage category. Store formats varied by geography, providing greater insight on how to prioritize their distribution efforts. Additionally, the data helped to identify distribution opportunities and the value associated with that growth. We identified portfolio gaps, and targeted markets and stores.
This manufacturer had no package in the top 20 SKUs. As a result of this data, the client built a plan and sold it into their distributor network. This resulted in increased distribution, shelf space and display activity on a recently acquired Mexican brand, yielding a distribution increase of 57% . This also resulted in a volume increase of 34% for the brand. The positive ROI outcome of this initiative allowed the client to secure additional funding to invest in these independent accounts in 2021.

Personal Health Care
Company grows core item
sales and
distribution during Cold/Flu season
Business Issue
The NRS network is largely composed of the inner-city independent, bodega or neighborhood market store types which service the urban dweller. Due to the nature of the shopping occasions, and it being a destination for primary and fill-in shopping trips, “Personal Health Care” categories like Pain Relief, Cold/Flu Treatments, Dental Care, are important categories for the Merchant and the shopper. A Global Personal Health Care Manufacturer had developed an Urban Strategy designed to have a presence of “must have” core items across these categories on the Retailers' shelves and wanted to promote a limited set of SKUs in advance of Cold/Flu Season.
NRS Solution
The client subscribed to NRS store-level POS data for the Personal Health Care Categories including competitive data. Through the data, they identified stores selling Cold/Flu products but either not selling their brands or not selling all of the “must have” items. The client created a Retailer Incentive for selling all “must have” SKUs and promoted the program to eligible stores through a Merchant Campaign served through the digital screen on the retailers POS terminal and a custom email blast. Compliance was measured through the scanner data.
The client increased gross distribution points of these SKUs within the eligible merchant set by 20% and payback was achieved by end of Cold/Flu season with the residual benefit of building and retaining brand loyalty.